Addressable sounder, base mounted
Resettable call point
Resettable call point, waterproof
Base sounder
Zone module
Input/output module
A1R heat detector
Manual call point, resettable
Waterproof manual call point, resettable
Optical smoke detector
Combined smoke & A1R heat detector
Sounder module
A2S fixed temperature heat detector, 62oC
CS fixed temperature heat detector, 92oC
Optical smoke detector
CS heat detector
Monitoring control module
Address programmer for ST-PY-AS
Input monitor module
Output module
Detector base with short circuit isolator
Short circuit isolator, single gang box mounted
Sounder control module
Heat sensor (DIL switch addressed)
Optical smoke detector (old style DIL switch addressed)
Optical smoke detector (requires MTM address programmer)
Standard detector base
Detector base with schottky diode
Blanking cover for AS-ABS sounder (red)