Heat sensor
Waterproof heat sensor
Ionisation smoke detector
Optical smoke detector
Loop beacon, red lens ( YBN-R-3 base)
Loop beacon, amber lens ( YBN-R-3 base)
Loop beacon, blue lens ( YBN-R-3 base)
Back box for CHQ-OEM modules
Dual input module
Dual input module
Dual relay controller module
Dual relay controller module
Dual sounder controller module
Dual sounder controller module
Mains relay controller module
Mains relay controller module
Powered output module
Short circuit isolator
Single input module
Single zone monitor module
Single zone monitor module
Wall sounder, red ( YBN-R-3-RED base)
Wall sounder/beacon, red ( YBN-R-3-RED base)
A1R combined heat detector, 60oC
CR combined heat detector, 90oC
Waterproof heat detector, 60oC (no base req?d)
A1S fixed temperature heat detector, 60oC
CS fixed temperature heat detector, 90oC
Red call point (back box not included)
Red call point with isolator (back box not included)
Waterproof red call point
Waterproof red call point with isolator
Back box for above call points
Blanking cover for YBO-R-SCI
Optical smoke detector
Hand held address programmer for ESP devices
Weatherproofing kit for wall sounders
Detector base
Standard detector base
Detector base with schottky diode
Base sounder ( YBN-R-3 base)
Base sounder/beacon ( YBN-R-3 base)